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2020-02-17 16:31:02  来源:福建博物院  责任编辑:陈静   我来说两句



The Maritime Silk Road was a Road of Peace which connected the ancient civilizations of the East and the West in history in the way of trade and commerce, culture and art exchange. It stretches out as far as the Eastern Asia, Southeastern Asia, Southern Asia, Western Asia, the east of the Africa and finally reached the Europe via the Red Sea linking up numerous ports along the road. Ancient traders coming from China, India, Arabia, Egypt, Rome, Greece and other nations had been all committed to exploit this maritime trade routes. Since staple goods were ceramics, silk, tea, spices in this commodity markets, it’s also called the Ceramic Road, Spice Road and so on.


In May 2014, “The Splendor of Maritime Silk Road: Joint Antiques Exhibition with Seven Provinces” was awarded the 3rd place of the 11th “Best Ten Exhibitions Award 2013” from nearly 20,000 museum exhibitions around China.


Traces of The Splendor of Maritime Silk Road

2013年 福建·福州

2014年 北京、山东·济南、广东·深圳、巴西· 圣保罗、澳大利亚·悉尼、英国·伦敦、西班牙·巴塞罗那、美国·纽约(联合国总部)

2015年 泰国·曼谷、印度尼西亚·雅加达、广西、厦门、天津、海南、香港、澳门

2016年 新疆、江苏、浙江、广东、荷兰·海尔德兰省、比利时·列日省、希腊·雅典、克罗地亚·杜布罗夫尼克、瑞典·斯徳哥尔摩

2017年 奥地利·维也纳、阿根廷·波萨达斯、巴西·圣保罗、智利·圣地亚哥

2018年 马耳他·瓦莱塔

2019年 冰岛·雷克雅未克、丹麦·哥本哈根

2013: Fuzhou in Fujian province

2014: Beijing、Jinan in Shandong province、Shenzhen in Guangdong province、Sao Paulo in Brazil、Sydney in Australia、London in the United Kingdom、UN Headquarters of New York in the United States

2015: Bangkok in Thailand、Jakarta in the Republic of Indonesia、Guangxi province、Xiamen、Tianjin、Hainan province、Hong Kong、Macao

2016: Xinjiang province、Jiangsu province、 Zhejiang province、Guangdong province、Province Gelderland in Hollang、 Province Liège in the Kingdom of Belgium 、 Athens in Greece、Dubrovnik in Croatiav、Stockholm in Sweden

2017:Vienna in Austria、Posadas in Argentina、Sao Paulo in Brazil、Santiago in Chile

2018:Valletta in Malta

2019:Reykjavik in Iceland, Copenhagen in Denmark

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